
The best entry-level positions in the field

Feeling lost sorting through the 3,500 humanitarian jobs advertised on ReliefWeb? Rassurez-vous. We scour humanitarian job sites and hand-pick the best current entry-level international positions. Jobs in the field are the focus of this list, although occasionally we do select entry-level jobs in HQ and regional offices.

All of the positions listed below actually require zero or very minimal previous experience, and most are with NGOs that offer good opportunities for entry-level candidates.

This page is updated regularly with new job postings, usually once per week. Sometimes it’s not updated, and that just means life got busy but we’ll be back soon.

Update: As of August 2023, the Jobs page is taking a break. We’re just too busy at the moment.

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Are you a recruiter working for a humanitarian organisation? Want to share your entry-level positions on this page? Write to us!