
Who we are

It says “we”, but it’s really just me.

The creator of The Humanitarian Insider is a career aid worker. Over the last decade he has worked 13 jobs for 8 international NGOs, United Nations agencies, and private humanitarian companies in Afghanistan, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Switzerland, Tunisia, and Turkey.

His CV describes this as “a broad variety of professional experience”. His family calls it an inability to hold a steady job.

The Insider also leans on a network of professional humanitarian contributors who ensure that the site’s content is accurate, honest, up-to-date, and covers many perspectives. So, it’s actually more than just me.

Yes, that's us.

About the site

The Humanitarian Insider provides career advice for the next generation of aid workers. We offer help on finding your first job and everything that comes after.

Our content focuses on humanitarian emergencies: jobs that provide life-saving assistance in places affected by war or natural disasters. Other professional fields such as international development, international relations, international law, human rights, or peacebuilding are neither our speciality nor our expertise. In other words, if we tried to give advice it would be bad advice, so we stick to what we know.

Before launching your job search, we recommend in-depth reading and critical research and ideally a university degree on the subject of international development and humanitarian aid. Our line of work often puts a disproportionate amount of power and influence in the hands of aid workers, and a humanitarian career should be entered into with a critical perspective and the right motivations. 

Our readers say

“Your website was my main source for navigating the humanitarian world and it helped me land the job with [NGO]. Eternally grateful for the Humanitarian Insider”

Lila, United Kingdom

“I read every article you wrote on your website this entire weekend. Honestly, I really appreciate that you’ve done that. Nobody else in the industry has done what you’ve done and it’s a hidden gem. As I’m sure countless people have told you, it’s so authentic, and most importantly, so helpful. Before finding The Humanitarian Insider, I was applying to jobs for months and not hearing back from anyone. After career advice sessions with the Insider about my CV, cover letter, and types of jobs to look for, I was hired by an international humanitarian NGO and deployed to my first field mission within 6 weeks. Night and day difference. I cannot recommend enough.”

AJ, United States

“I’m sure you get messages like this all of the time, but your work on The Humanitarian Insider is incredibly useful. Thank you so much for putting together such a useful resource. It’s really helped me with my CV, cover letter, and with just trying to make sense of the sector!

Miro, United Kingdom

“I wanted to reach out and say thank you for the advice that you gave me a little over a year ago that you share on your website. It really contributed to finding my path into the humanitarian sector: I’m about to leave Afghanistan after a year in Mazar and Kabul and I think it has been a year full of learning. I’m excited for the coming steps.

Katarina, Afghanistan

“Glad I’ve come across your content during my job search — by far the best reads I’ve found addressing the real challenges aid workers face and the structure of the industry. Your career guide has been very helpful. I’ve heard bits and pieces of advice from retired and mid-career humanitarians but you’ve managed to consolidate all the wisdom that one could possibly glean from them.”

WL, Hong Kong

“Your site is a joy to read and I can totally relate to so many of your stories. Nice work, and totally needed.”

Haida, Malaysia

“Finally, a useful humanitarian blog that doesn’t just provide links for top NGOs and repeat the same information that has been around for ages! I’m loving the firsthand and transparent posts.”

Melike, Türkiye

“I am new to this whole process of starting a career in aid work. The website is honestly a hidden gem.”

Phebe, United States

“I wanted to convey my gratitude for The Humanitarian Insider. I came across it a few weeks ago and I’ve read all the articles. It has been such a helpful and concise guide for someone like me exploring the humanitarian action and aid sector. It has inspired me and strengthened my will to hopefully start my career in this field, post the completion of my master’s degree.”

Ditsha, India

“Excellent articles and really honest! We (and by that I mean me) really love The Humanitarian Insider. Honest, realistic advice for all those thinking about working in the humanitarian world!”

Mark, United Kingdom

“Your website is a fantastic resource for aspiring humanitarian aid workers. It helped ease a lot of uncertainty about what to expect when I get to the field. I haven’t found anything else like it!”

Madison, United States

“I started reviewing The Humanitarian Insider website following your talk. It’s very useful. I’ve flagged it to friends interested in the same space.”

Dominic, Australia

“As a final year student who feels rather lost about where to begin my career in the humanitarian sector and the realities of it, I feel very much reassured by your timely words and transparency, and now feel much more prepared to take the next steps into the sector.

Tara, United Kingdom

“I have found your website very helpful and recommended it to my classmates. It is a breath of fresh air to get some transparency about how to actually find a job and what to expect in the field.”

Carson, United States

“I am a college student from China, and I recently discovered the profession of humanitarian aid when thinking about my master’s application, and I was recommended to read your site. The information in it is very useful for beginners and makes me even more interested. I never thought of making humanitarian aid a career although I had the habit of volunteering to help women and children. But now I seem to find a direction for myself and get motivated. Thank you!

Yige, China

I read all of the website and I loved it! It’s really well done, and it clarified a lot of doubts I had about humanitarian work and the different possibilities in this field.

Cristiane, Brazil

“I have been following the Humanitarian Insider quite closely. The most recent article on the perfect humanitarian CV and cover letter was super useful and I shared it with many of my friends who are budding humanitarians!”

Manoswini, India

I’ve had a chance to read through the website; it’s incredibly insightful!

Wei Vei, Malaysia

A word about copyright

This copyrighted website of The Humanitarian Insider is intended solely for the entertainment and education of our audience, and any retransmission, reproduction, rebroadcast, reposting or other dissemination or use of this website or other pictures, descriptions or accounts of this website, without the express written consent of The Humanitarian Insider, is prohibited.

All photos on the site were taken by The Humanitarian Insider, unless otherwise credited, in which case they are generally taken by colleagues. We don’t use any stock photos, ensuring that you get a real look inside the aid industry.

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