
Career advice sessions

After feedback from our readers, it’s clear that some of you want more than just the articles, interviews, and other content already served up here. You want guidance that is personalised and tailor-fit to you.

We are pleased to announce that The Humanitarian Insider now offers individual career advice consultations. Whether you’re a student, recent graduate, or are making a mid-career transition, we are here to support you.

Our team has a combined nearly twenty years of experience in humanitarian recruitment, from hiring interns and entry-level positions to mid-level and senior specialists in many countries and organisations. We know what it’s like to review humanitarian CVs, cover letters, and interviewing techniques from the perspective of a hiring manager in the field — because we’ve done it dozens of times.

We offer

Strategic career advice

Are you trying to break into the humanitarian aid sector, or wondering what types of career options exist in the industry and which are right for you?

We analyse your professional profile, determine entry points into the aid industry, and determine potential career paths that both inspire you and are suited to your talents.

110 USD/EUR/CHF | 1 hour consultation

CV and cover letter review

Do your key application documents need to be optimised for the humanitarian aid sector?

We review your CV and cover letter and provide detailed feedback during a call.

110 USD/EUR/CHF1 hour consultation

Interview preparation

Do you have an interview scheduled with a humanitarian NGO or UN agency?

We walk you through what types of questions to expect and how to prepare for them.

100 USD/EUR/CHF | 45 minute consultation